“Clothed With Virtue”
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Questions for small groups or personal study.
Clothed With Virtue | Colossians 3:12-17
#CenterofAllThings November 7, 2021
Clothed With Virtue | Colossians 3:12-17
#CenterofAllThings November 7, 2021
- What similarities do you find in Col. 3:12-17 and Ephesians 4:22-24; 31-32?
- Where do you see the “see-saw” in Paul’s teaching again in this passage? (identity to lifestyle and back and forth)
- Is verse 13 easy or difficult to follow? Why?
- Why should we “above all” other things choose to put on love? Why love?
- Thanksgiving is a major theme here but why? (attitude of gratitude)
- Notice how Paul doesn’t lists rules or laws in this passage; but he does give direction and ideals. Read the following quotes and discuss how they shed light on this passage. “We are not shaped by rules, we are shaped by a Ruler. And “We are not taxpayers with rights, we are sinners saved by grace.” — Mark Meynell