“Sit Down to Bear Fruit”
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Luke 10:38-42, John 15
Q1: Do you feel or believe that the anxiety and mental health issues are more prevalent in today’s society than it was in the past? Explain why or why not.
Q2: What do you think are the main issues and cause of our anxiety and our worry? (outside of medical issues) What was Martha’s main issue?
Q3: Is Mary “all right” and Martha “all wrong”? Or is it deeper than that? Explain. Look at how Jesus responds to Martha…
Q4: What does it mean to abide? How could abiding in the vine actually help remedy our anxiety and our “Martha” mentality of doing or performing? (John 15)
Q5: Discuss John 15:2. What does it look like to be pruned? Why might this not actually feel like a means to bear more fruit? Have you experienced this? How could Martha Prune back herself in order to bear more fruit?
Extra: Why is the title “Sit Down to Bear Fruit”? What does this mean to you?