Feb 21, 2021
“The Upper Room”


FEBRUARY 21, 2021 / LUKE 22:1-23


Q1: Why do you think God has used the activity of sharing a meal to communicate his new covenant? What is God telling us about a meal like the Lord’s Supper and our relationship with God?
Q2: Discuss the points (A-G) under the “Meaning of the Lord’s Supper.” Which one resonates with you the most and why?
Q3: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances/sacraments of the church, both of which have been debated for centuries. Describe the differing views of the Lord’s Supper and how you have come to interpret the elements of the table.
Q4: What is the New Covenant described by Jesus in Luke 22:20? As a group explore more facets of New Covenant by using Jeremiah 31:31-34 to help guide your understanding.
Q5: Compare John 6:47-58 and Luke 22:19-20. What is Jesus saying and what is he not saying?
  • Feb 21, 2021“The Upper Room”
    Feb 21, 2021
    “The Upper Room”


    FEBRUARY 21, 2021 / LUKE 22:1-23


    Q1: Why do you think God has used the activity of sharing a meal to communicate his new covenant? What is God telling us about a meal like the Lord’s Supper and our relationship with God?
    Q2: Discuss the points (A-G) under the “Meaning of the Lord’s Supper.” Which one resonates with you the most and why?
    Q3: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances/sacraments of the church, both of which have been debated for centuries. Describe the differing views of the Lord’s Supper and how you have come to interpret the elements of the table.
    Q4: What is the New Covenant described by Jesus in Luke 22:20? As a group explore more facets of New Covenant by using Jeremiah 31:31-34 to help guide your understanding.
    Q5: Compare John 6:47-58 and Luke 22:19-20. What is Jesus saying and what is he not saying?
  • Feb 14, 2021“The Dress Rehearsal”
    Feb 14, 2021
    “The Dress Rehearsal”
    Q1: What is your one takeaway from the sermon on Luke 21?
    Q2: Why would Jesus' words in Luke 21:6 be so shocking to Jews in the first century?
    Q3: How is Luke 21:9 actually encouraging to those who follow Jesus?
    What did it mean for those in the 1st century and what can we learn from this passage for us today?
    Q4: Luke 21:9 says they will be "put to death" but then in verse 18 it says, "not a hair of their head will
    perish." So what is Jesus talking about and what does he mean by this?
    Q5:  How can we read Luke 21 and actually stay calm and look up instead of fret and worry about these
    apocalyptic passages, talk of the "End Times" and the current state of our own nation?
    Q6: Nations rise and fall but what really will remain and last in the end? See 1 Corinthians 13:13 and how does this passage 
    inform our lifestyle today?
  • Jan 31, 2021“A Widow’s Mite”
    Jan 31, 2021
    “A Widow’s Mite”
    JANUARY 31, 2020 / LUKE 20:41-21:4
    1. Who Am I? (Lk. 20:41-44)
    2. Beware of Scribes (Lk. 20:45-47)
    3. A Widows Mite (Lk. 21:1-4)
    JANUARY 31, 2020 / LUKE 20:41-21:4
    Why would Jesus ask the question in Luke 20:41 and 44? What
    is he saying about his identity, divinity, and authority by this
    List the areas and specific actions we are to beware of
    regarding the scribes. How can we apply and beware of these same
    actions in us today? (extra: Luke 14:7-11)
    What is meant by the phrase “devour widows’ houses?” How
    do we take advantage of the vulnerable, needy, and poor? Where
    in our society do we see this happening and how can we as a
    church counteract this? How can we practice true and pure
    religion? (James 1:27)
    N.T. Wright says, “Because God’s way of measuring reality is
    not our way.” What do you think this means in regards to Luke
    21:1-4? How does God measure and what does he truly value?
    JANUARY 31, 2020 / LUKE 20:41-21:4
    1. Who Am I? (Lk. 20:41-44)
    2. Beware of Scribes (Lk. 20:45-47)
    3. A Widows Mite (Lk. 21:1-4)
    JANUARY 31, 2020 / LUKE 20:41-21:4
    Why would Jesus ask the question in Luke 20:41 and 44? What
    is he saying about his identity, divinity, and authority by this
    List the areas and specific actions we are to beware of
    regarding the scribes. How can we apply and beware of these same
    actions in us today? (extra: Luke 14:7-11)
    What is meant by the phrase “devour widows’ houses?” How
    do we take advantage of the vulnerable, needy, and poor? Where
    in our society do we see this happening and how can we as a
    church counteract this? How can we practice true and pure
    religion? (James 1:27)
    N.T. Wright says, “Because God’s way of measuring reality is
    not our way.” What do you think this means in regards to Luke
    21:1-4? How does God measure and what does he truly value?
  • Jan 24, 2021“Death and Taxes”
    Jan 24, 2021
    “Death and Taxes”
    JANUARY 24, 2020 / LUKE 20:19-40
    1. Setting the Scene
    2. Taxes and Kingdoms (Lk. 20:19-26)
    3. Death and Resurrection (Lk. 20:27-40)
    JANUARY 24, 2020 / LUKE 20:19-40
    What is the difference between Pharisees, Herodians, and
    Sadducees? What were they willing to unite over? (see Matt.
    22:15-16; Acts 23:6-9)
    How do we render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what
    is God’s? What do you think Jesus is saying by this? Why did he
    give an answer like this? (John 18:36; 1 Pet. 2:13-17; Rom. 6:13)
    What does it mean to give to God what belongs to him?
    What’s really going on through the big picture of Jesus entering
    Jerusalem at the end of Luke 19 through all of chapter 20? What is
    the major point being made through this passage? (think about
    tying all the individual stories into one point the author is making
    about Jesus)
    What do you find so encouraging about what Jesus says in
    Luke 20:37-38. Why is this so important to this story and the
    What do you find so encouraging about what Jesus says in
    Luke 20:37-38. Why is this so important to this story and the
    JANUARY 24, 2020 / LUKE 20:19-40
    1. Setting the Scene
    2. Taxes and Kingdoms (Lk. 20:19-26)
  • Jan 17, 2021“Don’t Shoot the Messenger
    Jan 17, 2021
    “Don’t Shoot the Messenger
    Luke Part 1- The Son of Man (Galilee, 1-9)
    Luke Part 2- Came to Seek (On the road, 10-19)
    Luke Part 3- Save the Lost (Jerusalem, 20-24)
    1. Cleaning House and Taking Names Luke 19:45-48
    2. Trick Questions With No Comment Luke 20:1-8
    3. Don't Shoot the Messenger and Watch Your Step Luke20:9-18
  • Jan 10, 2021“Epiphany: Gospel to all the Nations”
    Jan 10, 2021
    “Epiphany: Gospel to all the Nations”
    Matt. 2:1-11, Isa. 1:18, Isa. 2:1-5, Isa. 6:1-4, Isa. 11:1-12, Isa. 52:7-15, Isa. 60:1-6
  • Jan 3, 2021“Hindsight 2020” Part II
    Jan 3, 2021
    “Hindsight 2020” Part II
    Romans 12:9-13
  • Dec 27, 2020“Hindsight 2020”
    Dec 27, 2020
    “Hindsight 2020”
    Romans 12:9-13, Matt. 28:17-19, Hebrews 13:17, 1 Timothy 3:14-16
  • Dec 20, 2020“The Gift of Love”
    Dec 20, 2020
    “The Gift of Love”
    1 John 4:7-21 , John 3:16-21 ; Ephesians 3:14-21;  Ephesians 2:4-9
  • Dec 14, 2020“The Gift of Joy”
    Dec 14, 2020
    “The Gift of Joy”
    Isaiah 12, John 4:1-42 
    Hope Small Group Discussion Questions 
    1. What is Dr. Seuss teaching us about the source of Christmas and joy in his children's book "How the Grinch Stole Christmas?"
    2. What themes do we find in Isaiah 11 that gives us cause for singing and rejoicing in Isaiah 12?
    3. Examine Moses' Song in Exodus 15 and discuss what he and the children of Israel are singing about?
    4. Discuss the different elements and storyline of John 4 and the woman at the well. What is your favorite part?
    5. How is Jesus' statement in John 4:14 about "a spring of water welling up" particularly important and profound? 
  • Dec 6, 2020“Give You Peace”
    Dec 6, 2020
    “Give You Peace”
    Numbers 6:22-27
    Hope Small Groups Discussion Questions
    1. What state are you at between war and peace?
    2. Look up the in-depth meanings to peace from the Hebrew word Shalom and the Greek word Eirene. Discuss how it is similar and different to our modern usage of peace in English.
    3. Pick a few of the passages listed in the sermon notes from the Biblical reality of peace and discuss the way the Bible presents peace from those passages?
    4. How can we be a church of true biblical peace? Practically, what would that mean for our community?
  • Nov 29, 2020“The Gift of Hope”
    Nov 29, 2020
    “The Gift of Hope”
    Titus 1:2-3
    Hope Small Groups Discussion Questions
    1.What is hope? What is faith? How are they different and/or how are they similar?
    2. Compare these two passages and how does it help you understand hope and faith?
    • Rom. 8:24 - For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?
    • Hebrews 11:1 - Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
    3. Pick a few of the passages listed in the sermon notes from the OT Hope and discuss how they build our faith and fuel our hope.
    4. How does understanding the whole story of the Bible (old and new testaments) give you faith for today and hope for tomorrow?
  • Nov 22, 2020“A Prayer for Your Thanksgiving”
    Nov 22, 2020
    “A Prayer for Your Thanksgiving”
    I Chronicles 29:10-22 Hope Small Groups Discussion Questions
    1. What has 2020 illuminated for you to see that you didn’t see before? How have your priorities been shifted? (Remember Jordan’s illustration: neon lights, darkness and the moon)
    2. Have you seen your priorities shift these days? If so, how has this helped you be thankful for the things that truly matter?
    3. Discuss David’s prayer. What stands out to you as significant and meaningful from his prayer? (1 Chron. 29:10-19)
    4. What can we learn from David’s prayer of thanksgiving? And what needs to change in our lives in response to this passage?
  • Nov 8, 2020“Standing Firm in Babylon”
    Nov 8, 2020
    “Standing Firm in Babylon”
    1 Peter 5:8-14
    Hope Small Groups Discussion Questions
    1. So Peter ends his letter with “Peace to all of you who are in Christ.” So how are you doing being at peace right now? What is robbing your peace today and what gives us lasting peace? (John 14:27; John 18:36)
    2. What is Peter saying when he says, “she who is at Babylon, who is likewise chosen, sends you greetings....” Who is the she who is chosen? And who is Babylon? Why use code words like this?
    3. How does knowing we are not alone in all of this affect us personally and the Church universally? Look at 1 Pet. 5:9 and Hebrews 12:1-2 for reference.
    4. In what ways can we today live in Babylon and look to Jesus simultaneously without getting devoured by devilish lion and his kingdom? How can we apply these truths in 1 Peter to our lives practically?
    5. What is your over-all takeaway from this sermon series “Exiles: Living in Hope”?
    Extra Credit: Look at Jeremiah 29:1-14 and discuss what’s going on here historically. What can we learn from this letter to the exiles in Babylon and Peter’s letter to the elect exiles in Asia Minor and to then to us today? (1 Peter 1:1,11 and 1 Peter 5:12-13.)
  • Nov 1, 2020“10 Truths to Battle Anxiety”
    Nov 1, 2020
    “10 Truths to Battle Anxiety”
    "10 Truths to Battle Anxiety"
    11/1/2020 | 1 Peter 5:5-8 | Pastor Jordan Moody
    1. Humble Yourselves (5:5-6; James 4:6-10)
    2. Throwing Burdens (5:7; Psalm 55:22)
    3. Alert! Alert! (5:8; Luke 21:34-36)
    4. Consider the Birds (Matt. 6:25-34)
    5. Consider the Giver (Matt. 7:9-11)
    6. Learn to Say No (Matt. 13:22)
    7. Don’t Be a Shrub (Jeremiah 17:5-8)
    8. Sit Still (Psalm 37:7)
    9. Pray About Everything (Phil. 4:6)
    10. Whatever is True (Phil. 4:8)
    1. What do you think the state of mental health is in our
    nation today? What adds to the increase in anxiety? What
    are major factors in our own lives that tend to make it
    2. Which one from the 10 truths sticks out to you the most
    and why?
    3. As a group, choose a few of the 10 truths and their bible
    passages to read and discuss in more detail and depth.
    4. Spend time in prayer as a group and think on these
    words before you pray:
    Philippians 4:6-8 (NLT)
    v6  Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about
    everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all
    he has done.
    v7  Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds
    anything we can understand. His peace will guard your
    hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
    v8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix
    your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right,
    and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things
    that are excellent and worthy of praise.
  • Oct 25, 2020“Pastoring in a Secular Age”
    Oct 25, 2020
    “Pastoring in a Secular Age”
    1 Peter 5:1-5 
    Hope Small Group Discussion Questions 
    1. Jordan spoke about the perception Pastors and Elders face today in a secular society. How do you think the role of a Pastor functions in today's secular society? How do you think culture views church elders and pastors? Has this changed for the way people used to view pastors? What factors do you think adds to this? 
    2. Define these words Elder (Gk. presbyteros), Shepard (Gk. Poimenos), Overseer (Gk. episkopos). How do they describe the total job of church eldership. 
    3. What is a Pastor not to be? Why do you think Peter lists these specific warnings for leaders? (5:2-3) 
    4. Describe the biblical role of a pastor/elder from these other relevant passages: Acts 6:4, Acts 20:28-31, 1 Tim. 3:2; 4:11-16; 5:17,            2 Tim. 1:13, 2:15, 2:24-26; 4:1-5. Titus 1:9, Eph. 4:12.
  • Oct 18, 2020“Invest Your Soul”
    Oct 18, 2020
    “Invest Your Soul”
    "Invest Your Soul" | 1 Peter 4:12-19 
    Small Group Discussion Questions
    1. Before you get to your group or maybe during your time as a group; watch the summary of the Bible Project  video on YouTube or their website entitled "Overview: 1 Peter" and discuss it as we near the home stretch of our series "Exiles: Living in Hope" https://youtu.be/WhP7AZQlzCg
    2. How can Peter tell us to rejoice in the fiery trial and in the suffering? Where else in the Bible do we find this theme? 
    3. Compare and discuss 1 Peter 4:16 and Romans 1:16. 
    4. What does Peter mean when he says "those who suffer according to God's will...? (1 Peter 4:19)
    5. And from that verse (4:19) what does it mean to entrust/commit/deposit your soul to a faithful creator? How can this help and encourage you right now?  
  • Oct 11, 2020“All to the Glory of God”
    Oct 11, 2020
    “All to the Glory of God”
    1 Peter 4:1-11
    Hope Small Group Questions 
    1. Read the passage (Peter 4:1-11) together by going around and each person reading a verse. What sticks out to you from the passage? Can you identify "the two roads diverging" in this passage? (4:2) 
    2. Look up 1 Peter 1-3 in the NLT. These verses don't seem to be a good strategy to gain a following but what is Peter trying to communicate? What value does suffering bring into our lives, if any? Should we just avoid all hardship or embrace it? And why? 
    3. In choosing the road less traveled and the narrow gate: we are choosing to bear our cross for Christ sake and his glory (1 Pet. 4:11). So what encouragement does Hebrews 12:1-13 give those who are following God's will and "looking to Jesus" but find the road and the "struggle against sin" hard and wearisome? 
    4. What are the purpose of spiritual gifts? Who are they for? Why does Peter stress the one who speaks should speak oracles of God not of himself and the one who serves  to serve out of the strength God supplies? 
    5. Peter uses two main categories for spiritual gifts: speaking and serving. What other gifts are mentioned in the Bible and do we posses all the same spiritual gifts? 1 Cor. 12:29-31 and Romans 12:4-8. 
  • Oct 4, 2020“Victory in Jesus”
    Oct 4, 2020
    “Victory in Jesus”
    1 Peter 3:18-22
  • Sep 27, 2020“Marks of a Church Community”
    Sep 27, 2020
    “Marks of a Church Community”
    1 Peter 3:8-17