OCTOBER 6, 2024


Ephesians: The Walking Dead

Eph. 2:1-10

  1. The Life We’re Saved From (1-3)

  1. The Life We’re Saved For (8-10) 

  1. How We Get From Here To There (4-7)


Small Group Discussion Questions

  1. In what ways can we recognize the signs of being enslaved to the ‘passions of our flesh’ in our daily actions?

  2. How does the concept of ‘Incurvatus in se’ help us comprehend our self-centered nature? How can this awareness influence our behavior and intentions?

  3. What does it mean to view God’s grace as a gift, and how can we live in response to that gift?

  4. How does the idea of being ‘raised up and seated with Christ’ impact your understanding of your identity as a believer? What implications does this have for daily living?
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