Today we are praying for Germany
Population: 83,252,474
Largest Religion Christian (52.7%)
Percent Evangelical 2.1%
Germany’s wealth, influence, and location in the EU and Europe could be of great value for the Kingdom of God. This would require strong, courageous leadership based on Christian values, but the spiritual health of Germany is currently in decay. Destructive criticism of the Bible in the 19th century weakened the Church, and opened the way for pagan Nazi rule in the 20th century. Like much of Europe, Germany faces a crisis of spirituality. New Age, the occult, Satanism, and new forms of the old pagan religions all gain followers, but none grow as quickly as the group claiming “no religion”. Migrants bring their own versions of faith with them – including vibrant Christianity. Pray for God to raise up leaders who will love righteousness and strong moral values, even when they face temptation to compromise.